Monday, August 27, 2007


It's true sometimes we can't get everything we wanted in life. I'm pretty sure if you're already working now, making a shopping trip to Japan every year is probably out of the question now. When we grow older, we see more of the ugly truth about the world. The world where it's shaped by hypocrites who take money from the poor and use for themselves.

We'll talk about society problem next time.

Are you contented with what you have now? I know of someone, a friend of mine to be exact. Let's call him Joe. Not his real name of course but for the sake of being easy to refer to Joe than to refer to my friend, let's just stick to a fake name instead.

See life is not always a bed of roses. We don't always get what we want or how we want. Some people force their way up and become successful. Some force their way up but end up falling all the way to the bottom.

Then there are people who wish to play it safe & stay where they are. Sooner or later, the will to climb higher just get flatter and flatter in taste. Not too long after, all your dreams taste like a plain glass of water.

Joe used to have big dreams. Big house, sports car, model girlfriend, gourmet food everyday. Upon stepping food into the society, big house is the first thing to go out of the question. How to afford a house when you're a freshy working in Penang getting paid by peanuts.

Plus having a sports car don't really help in getting the house. Not exactly a sports car but a brand new car with many of years of loan to pay ahead.

When you don't have the first two, a model girlfriend is totally out of the question.

When most of your pay goes into your car, you'll be feeding your car with gourmet food rather than yourself.

See, this is the reality. And usually it's really disappointing that way. Huge dreams shrinks nano size. Who wouldn't be disappointed?

So mostly people just settle down after that, and be contented with what they have. It's good to have enough to spend and a little more to save on top of that. We'll just live a mediocre lifestyle and that's good enough.

Contentment is a good thing but that doesn't mean you can settle down with things you have now. Being too comfortable with what you have in your hand is sometimes dangerous. Remember the story about the frog who didn't jump out the pot of slowly boiling water? It got soup-ed.

Contentment is one thing, striving harder to achieve more in life is something else. Saying that you're contented means you are happy with what you have but going out to improve yourself and get better things in life. Being contented doesn't mean yo have to sleep with shit and still be thankful you have a roof over your head.

Strive harder for a better lifestyle. Do not give yourself excuse not to, especially not on being contented with what you have.


Saturday, August 18, 2007


Have you had that sense of uneasiness lingers inside your heart all day long but everything seems to be fine? It's not about relationship problem or financial or stuffs like this, but more like a strong feeling of something bad might happen.

Call me superstitious but ever since the 7th month of the lunar calender started off, i've been haunted with this sense every now and then. The freak accident on the first day itself didn't really help in making me not believe in my gut.

If you are reading this regardless of whether you are my friend or not, please be careful while you driving, or when you're going out alone, or when you're on your way home. Please be careful.

I sure do hope when i turn on the tv and the only news they're reporting would be good news, and not accidents involving deaths of 21 people, or shit like that.

I just hope what i'm feeling is just pure de'javu and nothing will come true. If i got such a hunch about things that's going to happen, let's just give me the ability to know what is the empat ekor coming out tomorrow.

Take care.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Do It Anyway

i got a forwarded email from a friend some time ago, but recently when i was browsing through my old emails i found this again. That time i was rather pissed with my boss of his ridiculous way of handling matters, and the content of that email sort of brightens up my day then.

It kind of put a smile on my face. It's usually related to Mother Theresa, and i feel it's really meaningful. So here i am sharing this, trying to put a smile on your face.


People are often unreasonable,
illogical and self-centered;
forgive them anyway

If you are kind,
people may accuse you of selfish,
ulterior motives;
be kind anyway

If you are successful,
you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
succeed anyway

If you are honest and frank,
people may cheat you;
be frank and honest anyway

What you spend years building,
someone may destroy overnight;
build anyway

If you find serenity and happiness,
others may be jealous;
be happy anyway

The good you do today,
people will often forget tomorrow;
do good anyway

Give the world the best you have
and it may never be enough;
give the world the best you've got anyway

You see, in the final analysis,
it is all between you and God;
it was never between you and them anyway

