Let's make this real quick, not because i don't feel like blogging, or i don't want to blog anymore, but i don't know when will the line just trip & i go disconnect for the next couple of weeks AGAIN.
Yes, i have to emphasize AGAIN in bold and capital because i was basically off-line for the past few weeks, everyday battling with the customer service dudes & dudettes whether have they solve this problem for me or not.
It was really frustrating, as everytime i call them, i will have to re-tell the whole story again from square one. What's even more frustrating is it's the same complain report! The problem is already in the report, can't people read?
And after a series of misfortunes, and some butt-licking with the TM technicians, finally they show up at my house to try and fix it, only after 3 weeks the complain have been made.
Fine. Still cannot fix, and it's now a problem with the wiring of my house phone line, which apparently can be fixed by adding a filter at every phone port to block off interference to/from phone lines.
Still i'm disconnecting like every 5 minutes. And i only get to go online at late night. Mind you but i still need to crawl out the bed early morning to get myself ready for work.
This is why i was off-line for the past few weeks. Missed me?
Yes, i have to emphasize AGAIN in bold and capital because i was basically off-line for the past few weeks, everyday battling with the customer service dudes & dudettes whether have they solve this problem for me or not.
It was really frustrating, as everytime i call them, i will have to re-tell the whole story again from square one. What's even more frustrating is it's the same complain report! The problem is already in the report, can't people read?
And after a series of misfortunes, and some butt-licking with the TM technicians, finally they show up at my house to try and fix it, only after 3 weeks the complain have been made.
Fine. Still cannot fix, and it's now a problem with the wiring of my house phone line, which apparently can be fixed by adding a filter at every phone port to block off interference to/from phone lines.
Still i'm disconnecting like every 5 minutes. And i only get to go online at late night. Mind you but i still need to crawl out the bed early morning to get myself ready for work.
This is why i was off-line for the past few weeks. Missed me?
Miss you so much la.. been checkin on n off to see if there are new posts..
and... ahem.. unreplied sms.. what happened to it ar? phone also down? hehe
miz A
Anonymous, at Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Dear miz A,
Yalo, miss blogging too, but can't do anything since can't go online.
About the unreplied sms part, i receive your sms when i was driving and i kinda forgot to reply afterwards.
Sorry ya.....
The good news is, i'm back-ed.... =D
chim-chimz, at Thursday, April 12, 2007
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