...:::Durex Global Sex Survey:::...
Well, just like every other morning in this few weeks, the first thing i did once i reach office was to ON my PC, Log-in to my YM & open a browser, type in www.thestar.com.my to update myself with the current issues in this lovely nation, Malaysia.
Well, since SPM was around the corner, news on tuition classes and SPM-related-issues mostly flooded the top news. Just hope my Sis will do way better than me in SPM this year. Wish her all the luck she need, kay?
Now, this grabs my attention when saw the title of the news:
Toilets and cars hot spots for sex
Hey, what do you expect from me? It's a damn dry morning and i'm sleepy kay? But i ain't horny that time, don't get me wrong. Well, the news is about the famous Durex Global Sex Survey done onto Malaysians. Well, as you can read (obviously) from the title of the news, toilets and cars are the most likeable places outside the bedroom to have sex.
"Of the 5,409 Malaysians who responded to the survey, 44% claimed they have had sex in the loo. The second and third favoured spots are the car (38%) and parents' bedroom (24%). "
Sex in the toilet. Hm, is it that the hotels are too expensive nowadays or people are just too stingy? Or is it the economic downturn to blame it on? Nah, most probably people choose toilet is because they just love the smell there!
Sex in the car. I guess people are just too damn freaking stingy isn't it? i mean, cars? Most Malaysian drives a Proton, imagine doing it in the car! Man, got enough space meh? Get a grip, even do it in the outdoor seems a better idea to me now.
Parents bedroom? Hm.....the idea is kinda kinky eh? *wink wink*
"One in 10 respondents also admitted to have had a homosexual experience, 29% had one-night stands, 19% “took the back door”, 14% had extra-marital affairs, and 9% had threesomes."

Well, thanks to The Star online where i got this picture from, you can see there are many places people have sex as well. Lower right corner, 10% of those surveyed say they had sex on the beach. Well, this is kinda romantic.....in a way.
Right next to this figure is 3% in public transportation. The picture shows a bus. Man, how come i never see people do it in the bus? i take bus very often also mar!
Top right corner, 2% had done it in an airplane. I've read an article in The Star last talking about this matter as well, and it was hilarious. Too bad i've already forgotten when was that article published and by whom.
Now people, please move your attention to the top left corner. 10% had done it in front of camera. Hehe, wonder if they got convert their private video to VCD or not leh? *LOL*
"The survey showed that the average Malaysian has sex 83 times a year, compared with the worldwide average of 103 times. The Greeks topped the world average with a frequency of 138 times a year, while the Japanese ranked lowest at 45 times a year. "
Average Malaysian have sex 83 times a year. Math it up, they have 6.92 times a month or 1.73 times a week. If you are lucky, you might have sex twice a week.
I'm not even in the "Average Malaysian" group!
But surprisingly, kinky Japs only scores a 45 times a year. Means they only have 0.9375 times of sex a week. In other word, they might get laid if they are lucky. And i thought Japs are kinky people. *LOL*
Well, if i offended anyone coz i'm talking about this topic then i'm terrible sorry but do bear in mind it's the year 2005 now, not 1955 anymore. Sex is not a secretive topic where you only consult your parents about anymore. Cheerz okay? But nevertheless, i said sex is not a secretive topic to talk about. I DID NOT mention that sex is something young kids should try.
Hey, they call it "making love" for a reason ok?
Let's call it a day shall we? Adios...!!
Well, since SPM was around the corner, news on tuition classes and SPM-related-issues mostly flooded the top news. Just hope my Sis will do way better than me in SPM this year. Wish her all the luck she need, kay?
Now, this grabs my attention when saw the title of the news:
Toilets and cars hot spots for sex
Hey, what do you expect from me? It's a damn dry morning and i'm sleepy kay? But i ain't horny that time, don't get me wrong. Well, the news is about the famous Durex Global Sex Survey done onto Malaysians. Well, as you can read (obviously) from the title of the news, toilets and cars are the most likeable places outside the bedroom to have sex.
"Of the 5,409 Malaysians who responded to the survey, 44% claimed they have had sex in the loo. The second and third favoured spots are the car (38%) and parents' bedroom (24%). "
Sex in the toilet. Hm, is it that the hotels are too expensive nowadays or people are just too stingy? Or is it the economic downturn to blame it on? Nah, most probably people choose toilet is because they just love the smell there!
Sex in the car. I guess people are just too damn freaking stingy isn't it? i mean, cars? Most Malaysian drives a Proton, imagine doing it in the car! Man, got enough space meh? Get a grip, even do it in the outdoor seems a better idea to me now.
Parents bedroom? Hm.....the idea is kinda kinky eh? *wink wink*
"One in 10 respondents also admitted to have had a homosexual experience, 29% had one-night stands, 19% “took the back door”, 14% had extra-marital affairs, and 9% had threesomes."

Well, thanks to The Star online where i got this picture from, you can see there are many places people have sex as well. Lower right corner, 10% of those surveyed say they had sex on the beach. Well, this is kinda romantic.....in a way.
Right next to this figure is 3% in public transportation. The picture shows a bus. Man, how come i never see people do it in the bus? i take bus very often also mar!
Top right corner, 2% had done it in an airplane. I've read an article in The Star last talking about this matter as well, and it was hilarious. Too bad i've already forgotten when was that article published and by whom.
Now people, please move your attention to the top left corner. 10% had done it in front of camera. Hehe, wonder if they got convert their private video to VCD or not leh? *LOL*
"The survey showed that the average Malaysian has sex 83 times a year, compared with the worldwide average of 103 times. The Greeks topped the world average with a frequency of 138 times a year, while the Japanese ranked lowest at 45 times a year. "
Average Malaysian have sex 83 times a year. Math it up, they have 6.92 times a month or 1.73 times a week. If you are lucky, you might have sex twice a week.
I'm not even in the "Average Malaysian" group!
But surprisingly, kinky Japs only scores a 45 times a year. Means they only have 0.9375 times of sex a week. In other word, they might get laid if they are lucky. And i thought Japs are kinky people. *LOL*
Well, if i offended anyone coz i'm talking about this topic then i'm terrible sorry but do bear in mind it's the year 2005 now, not 1955 anymore. Sex is not a secretive topic where you only consult your parents about anymore. Cheerz okay? But nevertheless, i said sex is not a secretive topic to talk about. I DID NOT mention that sex is something young kids should try.
Hey, they call it "making love" for a reason ok?
Let's call it a day shall we? Adios...!!
chim chim ar..
christyn here..
u working in cyberjaya?
i m working in cyberview lodge.. well its my training there only.. hehe..juz wondering ;)
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005
aikz? how come u got training wan? im having training in cyberjaya, yes. find me yam cha or dinner sometime lar. long time no see u & choi d :D
chim-chimz, at Friday, November 11, 2005
haha..i think you mistaken me for one of your frens d la..
haha..i dunno you geh..and u aso dunno me..i juz happen to read your blog..and saw you're working in cyberjaya..so i juz leave a comment ler..
sorry ya!
Anonymous, at Friday, November 11, 2005
wahahaha :)) pai seh pai seh...i tot u were someone else really. hey, if u dun mind u can add me to your YM leh. btw, how u knw me?
YM: ethan_chim83
chim-chimz, at Friday, November 11, 2005
erm..nvmla..no need pai seh.. keke.. how i know you? did u realized i added you in frenster and u approved aredi? haha.. go check la.. my nick is "chris-tyn"
actually its thru JUTDOISIONGDIU la..haha....
and i do not have YM..
oni got msn messenger ...hehe.. :P
Anonymous, at Friday, November 11, 2005
wah? so small meh the world? u mentioned u training there in cyberview lodge ya? u still studying? u from which uni? coz im training now also. too bad u dun hv YM & i dun hv MSN oso. if not can chat better lor. :D
chim-chimz, at Saturday, November 12, 2005
exactly ler.. i think we're gonna chat like this?? leaving comments? haha..so funny.. erm..i m from taylor's college.. studying hotel management...:P
Anonymous, at Saturday, November 12, 2005
well, i see i see. nice knowing you k. do you have your own blog? if so then i got something more to read on everyday....LOL
chim-chimz, at Sunday, November 13, 2005
haha..got but dun wan read la..not nice geh my blog..i blog bout my life..so sien..better dun read ;)
hehe..nice knowing you too..
Anonymous, at Monday, November 14, 2005
no lar, everyone got a story wan. i'd like to see your blog too. mine isn't much interesting also mar. just let me knw the link the next time u leave me a message can? i'll link you, if u gv me the permission :D
chim-chimz, at Tuesday, November 15, 2005
debt consolidation
Anonymous, at Wednesday, February 15, 2006
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