Lazy People
Complaints. I just want to shout out loud. I just want to scold the ugly bitch right into her face. I just want to do it so badly i might explode any moment now.
Well, if you think i hate you and you think i'm talking about you, i'm sorry to dissappoint you this time. I ain't talking about you. i was talking about some lazy-fat-ass-ugly-wan-tan-bitch who had been holding my FYP samples for 2 weeks. Yea, you've heard me complaining about how lazy the bitch is, and you've definitely heard me complaining how lame her excueses were when she told us she haven't done anything to our samples yet.
Fuck it.
Damn lazy i tell you. It's because of this kinda people, our beloved country is so slow moving into Developed Nation status. It's because of this kinda people, that the world is infested with a disease called Inefficiency. It's because of this kinda people, i might fail my FYP. Damn her~!~! Just damn her~!~!~!
I know lar, i'm a Buddhist and i must be forgiving and stuffs. But i'm really sorry. I can't think straight this time. I needed to excel in this very fucking badly. No compromise. No excuse. No second chance. This is why i can't forgive her. This is why i'm so bloody pissed-off.
I'm sorry this is an angry post. I'm just too fucking worried that no matter how many times i've told this to someone, i'm still feeling so bloody fucked-up over the matter. Hopefully i can settle this soon, and then my life should be merrier. A lot merrier. I'm a nice person after all.
Well, if you think i hate you and you think i'm talking about you, i'm sorry to dissappoint you this time. I ain't talking about you. i was talking about some lazy-fat-ass-ugly-wan-tan-bitch who had been holding my FYP samples for 2 weeks. Yea, you've heard me complaining about how lazy the bitch is, and you've definitely heard me complaining how lame her excueses were when she told us she haven't done anything to our samples yet.
Fuck it.
Damn lazy i tell you. It's because of this kinda people, our beloved country is so slow moving into Developed Nation status. It's because of this kinda people, that the world is infested with a disease called Inefficiency. It's because of this kinda people, i might fail my FYP. Damn her~!~! Just damn her~!~!~!
I know lar, i'm a Buddhist and i must be forgiving and stuffs. But i'm really sorry. I can't think straight this time. I needed to excel in this very fucking badly. No compromise. No excuse. No second chance. This is why i can't forgive her. This is why i'm so bloody pissed-off.
I'm sorry this is an angry post. I'm just too fucking worried that no matter how many times i've told this to someone, i'm still feeling so bloody fucked-up over the matter. Hopefully i can settle this soon, and then my life should be merrier. A lot merrier. I'm a nice person after all.
I think it's OK for you to express yourself in an angry post, once in a while. Feeling better now?
Jad [Alt] Kaizer, at Friday, April 07, 2006
LOL. Way better. Thx dude. LOL
chim-chimz, at Friday, April 07, 2006
relax :)
sure u lega abit d after blogging it out ^_^
all the best ya
Anonymous, at Monday, April 10, 2006
I'm also sad-ler. Frustrated also.
But what to do? As Trump said, life is unfair.
Michelle, at Monday, April 10, 2006
malaysia was once offered the status of "developed nation" from the US in 1991 as we hv passed the lowest requirement that 60% of national GDP comes from servicing sector.
mahathir rejected as we might loose a lot of special treatments to developing nation.
actually, we can be considered as "1st world country" economically and in term of infrastructures but not MENTALLY.
Anonymous, at Monday, April 10, 2006
haha, thx gal. wut u doing lately?
whoa, Trump say wut u also remember ar? i don't even remember wut Shahiman say last week.
haih, if the mentalilty is not 1st class, even if the country economics are first class also will sia-sui lor.
with the kind of mentality, im afraid even we're really 1st class country, we might be downgraded also lor.
thx for the comfort :X :X
you don't feel sad too ya. coz if you sad i'll feel sad too :D
ps~sorry guys for the stir-ups :)
chim-chimz, at Tuesday, April 11, 2006
dude, ur bog is funky! i just happen to pop by...interesting.
F¡яєвџяN, at Wednesday, April 12, 2006
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