Sunday, November 16, 2008

Economic Recession

There has been so much of bad news, rumors going around that there will be forced-leave in the company. It's not all that bad because it's already a fact that some customer company is laying off their employees. Compared to them, i'm pretty lucky to still be able to keep my job.

Maybe let's not compared to the extreme cases. Not all customer companies are laying off people. There are also companies that are just implementing forced-leave, this strategy in an attempt to reduce overhead cost in running the company. It's already a known fact in some customer companies as well as our competitors that have implemented this in their organization. In our case, everyone is talking about it, gloomy as ever but still no firm news that we are going to do this as well.

Although doubtful we will not, i still hope they won't implement this for too long a time. When this happens, only the people at the bottom of the organization pyramid suffers the most. Me in the middle class range of the pyramid will not be spared as well.

One thing good is, my pay is not high enough to get the big envelope in case we start laying off people. Not sure this is actually a good thing or not. I mean it's good not to get laid off by the company, but my pay is still not high enough after 2 years of working with the company.....well, that's something i need to ponder about.

Anyway, at times like this, just like how everyone says,let's be more prudent in our spending. Not to say don't spend at all, but most likely that HTC Touch needs to wait a little while more.


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