Monday, November 09, 2009

Children's Day

It's my last month with the company, if nothing changes, but i get 2 weeks in the office without my boss around.

He is going to be away for 2 whole weeks, in Europe for a road show with some other managers. And i go un-boss-ed for the next 14 days. This starts officially today :)

Children's Day is the term because kids going to school but not going for classes. Remember those time back in primary school, that time when final examination is over but school holiday is not here yet, and the cikgu's is not in the mood to teach for next year's subject?

That is the time when kids go to school not for education, but rather fun-ducation. When you think back to then, we were doing non-value added, time wasting activities in school when we could have taken those opportunities to study more, right?

Maybe for some, but not for me. LOL....

You only live once, stop whining and start living life. Have fun while you work, help out other people when they are in need, do charity.....all the good things you can think of.

You only live once, so does everybody else, so make it worthwhile for yourself, and for everyone else :)



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