Saturday, November 12, 2005

...:::Annual Sickness:::...

Not in the best state to blog in Canto again. As the title already mention, i'm DAMN SICK!!

Yala, my body is sick lar. What else could be sick in me? Oh, you mean my mind is sick too? Well, yeah, sort of but that's always the case with me. I'm always crazee in a way, but a bit too normal in the other. So just bear with me sometimes, kay?

Well, see doctor already. The clinic is in Dengkil, right next to the "Famous Taste in Town Restaurant". The doctor say i have some kind of an infection in my mouth near the throat. So that is what makes my gum swell so terribly. Honestly, it's so painful the swelling that i can't focus myself during work in the office hour. Makes my head aches so badly too. But thanks to the medications, which i have taken twice today, starts to make me feel better than this morning and the previous day.

It's not a happy thing to got sick when the weekends come. I'm suppose to rest during the weekends, i know, but then not in the bed! Anyway, got to go to bed now. The medication is making me feeling sleepy already. Good night Friends, Good Night Malaysia, Good Night Everyone.



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