What is Life?
Yet another question.
Been full of question marks in my thoughts lately. Some with full proof solutions, some with analytical answers, some still remains a puzzle.
Didn't want to complain so much though. i learned a new word from a new friend lately. Sour-grape. I wasn't very good with all these proverbs and similes and stuffs, so pardon me if my vocabulary is bad.
Anyway, in case you don't know what this silly word means, it means someone who likes to complain a lot in life.
Now, don't look at me like that. I'm the last person who can be labeled as a sour-grape.
I read Laney's post. It felt kind of sad really. She's in IT line. Sitting in front of the PC more than half the time of the day is he job. Same with me here too.
I have some friends who go home right on time. I don't want to use the word early because it would be inappropriate to say people leave early from work. That would mean that they are unethical enough to leave work before time. So, i have friends who leave work on time.
When people leave work on time, they have plenty of time to do what they want at night. Going for extra classes. Workouts at the local gym. Going for a drink. Watch a movie perhaps. Accompany loved ones.
So what happen to those who work outside their hometown? i bet there are a lot doing this right now. After work, it's dinner with colleagues maybe? Then Saturday hang out with housemates.
Worse case, what if your colleagues are too busy going out pak-toh after work? Or same case with your housemates during the weekend?
Then what do you want to do? Or should i say, what can you do in the weekends or after work?
I'm a little better off of course. I work in my hometown of Ipoh, staying with my parents so save a lot on rent, and food. But still, you have to know. Who works in Ipoh?
Most of my friends are in Penang or KL. So a lot of exciting activities which i used to do during study days are no more available now.
Definitely no housemates to hang out with. That's for sure.
Colleagues. Not too many young people from where i work. That's good news and bad news at the same time.
Good news is, we're all very close. Bonded really well with each other as there is no generation gap between us.
Bad news is, most of them are "attached" to a relationship. That makes them non-eligible to all the activities we're having. So afetr-work and weekends are off-limits.
Now, where do single and lonely soul like me go after work or during the weekends?
The answer is, birds of same feather flocks together. We find other single and lonely souls to mingle and multiply.
And if it's full moon, we'll re-group with the others couples for some activities together. Not for mating though.
Now, what is life again?How do you enjoy life?
i wish to go traveling every now and then but i have not enough annual leave, and not enough money, and definitely not enough friends that are free enough to go traveling with me.
i wish i could start another relationship with someone right this time, but then cupid is having some problems with his eyes in these few years. He keep aiming me with the wrong arrows.
i don't know. How do you enjoy life? Tell me.
Been full of question marks in my thoughts lately. Some with full proof solutions, some with analytical answers, some still remains a puzzle.
Didn't want to complain so much though. i learned a new word from a new friend lately. Sour-grape. I wasn't very good with all these proverbs and similes and stuffs, so pardon me if my vocabulary is bad.
Anyway, in case you don't know what this silly word means, it means someone who likes to complain a lot in life.
Now, don't look at me like that. I'm the last person who can be labeled as a sour-grape.
I read Laney's post. It felt kind of sad really. She's in IT line. Sitting in front of the PC more than half the time of the day is he job. Same with me here too.
I have some friends who go home right on time. I don't want to use the word early because it would be inappropriate to say people leave early from work. That would mean that they are unethical enough to leave work before time. So, i have friends who leave work on time.
When people leave work on time, they have plenty of time to do what they want at night. Going for extra classes. Workouts at the local gym. Going for a drink. Watch a movie perhaps. Accompany loved ones.
So what happen to those who work outside their hometown? i bet there are a lot doing this right now. After work, it's dinner with colleagues maybe? Then Saturday hang out with housemates.
Worse case, what if your colleagues are too busy going out pak-toh after work? Or same case with your housemates during the weekend?
Then what do you want to do? Or should i say, what can you do in the weekends or after work?
I'm a little better off of course. I work in my hometown of Ipoh, staying with my parents so save a lot on rent, and food. But still, you have to know. Who works in Ipoh?
Most of my friends are in Penang or KL. So a lot of exciting activities which i used to do during study days are no more available now.
Definitely no housemates to hang out with. That's for sure.
Colleagues. Not too many young people from where i work. That's good news and bad news at the same time.
Good news is, we're all very close. Bonded really well with each other as there is no generation gap between us.
Bad news is, most of them are "attached" to a relationship. That makes them non-eligible to all the activities we're having. So afetr-work and weekends are off-limits.
Now, where do single and lonely soul like me go after work or during the weekends?
The answer is, birds of same feather flocks together. We find other single and lonely souls to mingle and multiply.
And if it's full moon, we'll re-group with the others couples for some activities together. Not for mating though.
Now, what is life again?How do you enjoy life?
i wish to go traveling every now and then but i have not enough annual leave, and not enough money, and definitely not enough friends that are free enough to go traveling with me.
i wish i could start another relationship with someone right this time, but then cupid is having some problems with his eyes in these few years. He keep aiming me with the wrong arrows.
i don't know. How do you enjoy life? Tell me.
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