Should i? Should i not?
I've been saying this phrase a lot lately, "At a time like this...", mostly referring to the downturn in the economy affecting major countries in the world.
And every time i say it, i meant it in a very gloomy way. There's no doubt the time is very terrible now, especially if your cash flows are tied up in the forever plunging stock market, or in the escalating property market, or even if you are being laid-off from your company which you've spent half your life working your butt off for.
Again, at a time like this, what would be the best decision to make to survive this downturn without affecting much of my normal lifestyle?
You know how an idle mind is the devil's workshop. It's been slightly less busy at work lately, and knowing me, i always think it's a waste of youth to not make the best out of the most energetic 10 years of my working age. To me, what you could gain when you're young is always an advantage when you're older.
Right now, lots of things are on my mind, lots of decisions to be made. Decision not about where to go for holiday or where to eat for dinner, but of a life changing one. A decision once made, will completely change my life, my attitude, myself.
Should i do it or not?
At a time like this, working an extra job is always a good thing. Not only at a time like this of course. So should i or should i not. My dead line is January.
Should i or should i not?
And every time i say it, i meant it in a very gloomy way. There's no doubt the time is very terrible now, especially if your cash flows are tied up in the forever plunging stock market, or in the escalating property market, or even if you are being laid-off from your company which you've spent half your life working your butt off for.
Again, at a time like this, what would be the best decision to make to survive this downturn without affecting much of my normal lifestyle?
You know how an idle mind is the devil's workshop. It's been slightly less busy at work lately, and knowing me, i always think it's a waste of youth to not make the best out of the most energetic 10 years of my working age. To me, what you could gain when you're young is always an advantage when you're older.
Right now, lots of things are on my mind, lots of decisions to be made. Decision not about where to go for holiday or where to eat for dinner, but of a life changing one. A decision once made, will completely change my life, my attitude, myself.
Should i do it or not?
At a time like this, working an extra job is always a good thing. Not only at a time like this of course. So should i or should i not. My dead line is January.
Should i or should i not?
this is PURELY about my career :D
chim-chimz, at Monday, November 24, 2008
show ur new hairstyle la kkakakakakakaakaka:P
come here just to kacau ;)
got time, change my blog address la....damn long d i changed it :P LOLz.
Anonymous, at Sunday, November 30, 2008
hi Christyn,
changed link d didn't promote your new blog i don't know you changed mar....
chim-chimz, at Sunday, November 30, 2008
actually its not new blog la.. kinda old d...since so long ago hahahahahahahaahaha actually i transfered the previous one to this~~ i linked it to this one anyways :P hahaha
thanks! ~~~
Anonymous, at Sunday, November 30, 2008
yeah i know it's PURELY bout ur career now ! ;)
Amanda, at Wednesday, December 03, 2008
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