...:::Love & Marriage:::...
Ya, it's Blue Monday again with me feeling a lot better from last week's sickness. Today there's a lot of things to read up in my office. Things especially about setting up of the serial port and printing in Linux environment. Well, this is what i'm going to study on for the rest of the day.
Well, morning time, The Star time. Today, there wasn't any interesting title that caught my eyes into reading it. However, i stumbled upon a status of my friend's that lead to a news in the star. Well, the title is something grand, and it goes like
"Million ringgit fairy-tale wedding the talk of the town"
What's so special about a million-ringgit wedding? Come on, it happens almost everyday some place in the world, right? No, not this wedding. This tale of 2 people really makes me think about, what really is "LOVE"?
Well, actually the story of these 2 people goes like this. The guy, Joshua and the gal, Jessie got married in Kuching. Their wedding ceremony was crowded not only by their own family members and friends, but also hordes of pressman from local & from Singapore. So what's the big deal about this wedding ceremony?
"The high-profile wedding is believed to be the first of its kind in the country – the stunning bride was born a male here more than 30 years ago. Chung, whose original name was Jeffrey, underwent three major operations to become a woman three years ago."
Yeah, she was a he but now he is a she. Do you think she is sick? I don't. In fact i admire both of them for being so courageous, for really knowing what they really want in their life. How many times in YOUR life have you ever want something so badly that YOU will go for it no matter how people looked at you, no matter what other people say about it? I don't remember myself being so determined to do something in my life up till now.
So, let's talk about the feeling, LOVE. What do you think of love? Seriously?
Is the feeling of love different from the action of love? How are they related to each other then?
Well, i don't know how you folks think about this kind of questions, but think about it will ya? My friends were like arguing in our Circles99 about the topic of getting laid since i started the topic after reading the Durex Global Sex Survey that day in The Star. Accordingly, many of them strong Christians hold on to marriage then sex. Some feel it comes naturally, so when it's time, it's time. Others (like me) had almost all other opinions. Now, is SEX something out of LOVE, anymore?
I'd like to share something i feel about true love. It's almost like a short story but i cant remember all the details in it so i think i could've further shortened it to a very short short story. *LOL*
There was this young kid, let's call him Adam. He was a curious young brat that ask questions at everything his eye sight comes across. So, one day as usual, he went shopping with his mom and then he saw a young couple paktoh-ing. These pair was diagnosed with a serious syndrom which is known as PDA (Public Display of Affection). So they were like kissing & hugging & stuffs in the public. So Adam asks his mom.
"What are they doing?"
"Well, they are passionately in love, this pair of young bloods."
Later in the afternoon, Adam saw another couple. This time married with children. They were such a sweet & happy family, the children was laughing all the way. Again, Adam asks stupid questions.
"Mom, why are they so happy?"
"Well, because they love each other so much they share happiness with each other."
Dinner time come so mom brought Adam to eat at some restaurant. This time Adam saw an old couple. They were so lovingly helping each other with food, looking ever so happily. He was surprised they looked so energetic & lovingly towards each other despite their age.
"Mom, why are they so happy?"
"Well, when people get older, being with your loved ones is something most treasurable."
My story is done, my point is, what is LOVE? Is it in the young couple, the married couple or the old couple?
My thought was all 3. Being passionately in love when you are young; being honest & committed when you have your own family; and finally growing until old age together with someone you love. God Bless You all!
Well, morning time, The Star time. Today, there wasn't any interesting title that caught my eyes into reading it. However, i stumbled upon a status of my friend's that lead to a news in the star. Well, the title is something grand, and it goes like
"Million ringgit fairy-tale wedding the talk of the town"
What's so special about a million-ringgit wedding? Come on, it happens almost everyday some place in the world, right? No, not this wedding. This tale of 2 people really makes me think about, what really is "LOVE"?
Well, actually the story of these 2 people goes like this. The guy, Joshua and the gal, Jessie got married in Kuching. Their wedding ceremony was crowded not only by their own family members and friends, but also hordes of pressman from local & from Singapore. So what's the big deal about this wedding ceremony?
"The high-profile wedding is believed to be the first of its kind in the country – the stunning bride was born a male here more than 30 years ago. Chung, whose original name was Jeffrey, underwent three major operations to become a woman three years ago."
Yeah, she was a he but now he is a she. Do you think she is sick? I don't. In fact i admire both of them for being so courageous, for really knowing what they really want in their life. How many times in YOUR life have you ever want something so badly that YOU will go for it no matter how people looked at you, no matter what other people say about it? I don't remember myself being so determined to do something in my life up till now.
So, let's talk about the feeling, LOVE. What do you think of love? Seriously?
Is the feeling of love different from the action of love? How are they related to each other then?
Well, i don't know how you folks think about this kind of questions, but think about it will ya? My friends were like arguing in our Circles99 about the topic of getting laid since i started the topic after reading the Durex Global Sex Survey that day in The Star. Accordingly, many of them strong Christians hold on to marriage then sex. Some feel it comes naturally, so when it's time, it's time. Others (like me) had almost all other opinions. Now, is SEX something out of LOVE, anymore?
I'd like to share something i feel about true love. It's almost like a short story but i cant remember all the details in it so i think i could've further shortened it to a very short short story. *LOL*
There was this young kid, let's call him Adam. He was a curious young brat that ask questions at everything his eye sight comes across. So, one day as usual, he went shopping with his mom and then he saw a young couple paktoh-ing. These pair was diagnosed with a serious syndrom which is known as PDA (Public Display of Affection). So they were like kissing & hugging & stuffs in the public. So Adam asks his mom.
"What are they doing?"
"Well, they are passionately in love, this pair of young bloods."
Later in the afternoon, Adam saw another couple. This time married with children. They were such a sweet & happy family, the children was laughing all the way. Again, Adam asks stupid questions.
"Mom, why are they so happy?"
"Well, because they love each other so much they share happiness with each other."
Dinner time come so mom brought Adam to eat at some restaurant. This time Adam saw an old couple. They were so lovingly helping each other with food, looking ever so happily. He was surprised they looked so energetic & lovingly towards each other despite their age.
"Mom, why are they so happy?"
"Well, when people get older, being with your loved ones is something most treasurable."
My story is done, my point is, what is LOVE? Is it in the young couple, the married couple or the old couple?
My thought was all 3. Being passionately in love when you are young; being honest & committed when you have your own family; and finally growing until old age together with someone you love. God Bless You all!
well..nice one... about LOVE wo.. actually i aso dunno if i shud believe bout TRUE LOVE... but i really hope i can find mine.. hehe.. if only there's one for me.. ;)
Anonymous, at Monday, November 14, 2005
see how you view love as lor. love is actually a simple feeling to me, if it got complicated then it's call commitment *LOL*
Aiseh, see when i need to post in some other language d, coz started to blog back in english again. hehe
chim-chimz, at Tuesday, November 15, 2005
hmmm...true aso geh.. keke..
wad language you wanna blog somemore oo??
i saw you have posts in BM,eng, canto....erm...mandarin mayb? hahaha..
nah this is my link as you can c.. well..u wanna link me? can ...sure no prbs..but really not really nice la..my blog..cos this 2months i m training in hotel..no time to write nice nice entry..:P
The Emotional Perfectionist, at Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Y thiS feW bLoG nOt iN kOng DoonG waH LiaO dE??? Hehe..
aSk sHuanG...
Anonymous, at Tuesday, November 15, 2005
can't blog in mandarin lar. my pinyin sucks big time wan. so cannot, if not post all the wrong pinyin, very pai seh wan lar.
the last 2 entries i really need to post in English as i can express myself better mar. i'm looking for a topic i can post in kong doong wah already. wait & see ya ;)
chim-chimz, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005
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