Today's post was suppose to be of the male bonding session with my housemates yesterday. But, too bad i woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, and it practically ruin my mood for the whole day.
I put it up as my YM status "WoKe uP oN ThE wRonG SiDe oF ThE BeD".
Someone ask me why i so sad. i say i woke up with a neck pain.
Someone ask me why bad mood. i say try waking up with a neck pain
Someone ask me if i slept with other people's wife. i saynot yet but sure hope to try it sometime i didn't.
Someone ask me which side is the wrong side. i say the wrong side is the side where your neck will pain.
If you watch that Thai ghost movie about a photographer who gets neck pain every here & then, you might ask me if i've done anything so bad.
No lar, i might not be a good person, but i've never done anything so bad in my life lar.
But the neck pain is just........!!
How good if there's someone who can give me a massage on the back right this instance. That will be something nice. But where got such good things that will happen to me lar. If got then all the bad things & sad things won't even appear in my life lar.
I have to apologize for the pessimistic POV in this post. i wasn't a saddist, but now i'm currently going thru a period where my happy-moments-hormone quit producing in my body. So, no happy moments if i just sit on my ass & do nothing. I would be posting this sad post a few days earlier if not because i got some good friends there supporting me.
This is up here today because:
- it's working day
- i've got a neck pain
- something sad hasn't been resolved
- i'm hungry
- i'm sitting on my ass & doing nothing
Nothing much that i want now except food & massage. Or at least take the neck pain away.
Better stay focus. This is the time where more bad luck will come. Better give "12-points-concentration" in whatever the crap i'm doing.
I put it up as my YM status "WoKe uP oN ThE wRonG SiDe oF ThE BeD".
Someone ask me why i so sad. i say i woke up with a neck pain.
Someone ask me why bad mood. i say try waking up with a neck pain
Someone ask me if i slept with other people's wife. i say
Someone ask me which side is the wrong side. i say the wrong side is the side where your neck will pain.
If you watch that Thai ghost movie about a photographer who gets neck pain every here & then, you might ask me if i've done anything so bad.
No lar, i might not be a good person, but i've never done anything so bad in my life lar.
But the neck pain is just........!!
How good if there's someone who can give me a massage on the back right this instance. That will be something nice. But where got such good things that will happen to me lar. If got then all the bad things & sad things won't even appear in my life lar.
I have to apologize for the pessimistic POV in this post. i wasn't a saddist, but now i'm currently going thru a period where my happy-moments-hormone quit producing in my body. So, no happy moments if i just sit on my ass & do nothing. I would be posting this sad post a few days earlier if not because i got some good friends there supporting me.
This is up here today because:
- it's working day
- i've got a neck pain
- something sad hasn't been resolved
- i'm hungry
- i'm sitting on my ass & doing nothing
Nothing much that i want now except food & massage. Or at least take the neck pain away.
Better stay focus. This is the time where more bad luck will come. Better give "12-points-concentration" in whatever the crap i'm doing.
I sat in the first row during that Thai movie. so tell me all bout neck pain and its freakiness :P
Anonymous, at Wednesday, January 11, 2006
i sat in front of a row teenage gals screaming all the way through the movie whether the scene was scary or not.
i watch with my sister & she wasn't even a little itsy bitsy scared.
i grow up with ghost movies. neck pain has been a part of my life. freakiness....well, i'm a freak
chim-chimz, at Thursday, January 12, 2006
Hey you...
cute blog you have here... :)
TAke care n God bless
ninja-L-, at Thursday, January 12, 2006
Hey, nice of you to drop by. i thought only i read your blog =P
you take care too, & thx
chim-chimz, at Thursday, January 12, 2006
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