Belated 2006 New Year Post Part 3
First & foremost, i would like to talk about something very important. There's a new virus just found in the medical field. It's not deadly, but it sure is contagious and dangerous.
Click HERE to read more.

Now, back to square 1....i mean 3.
New Year Resolution. i've made a list.
1. Quit talking craps & start talking rubbish
2. Quit spending ringgit & start spending USD
3. Stop taking pictures & start taking photographes
4. Stop being a jerk & start being aass-hole nice person
5. Stop being a nerd & start going clubbing
6. Stop being complained & start complaining people
7. Stop being sick & start making people sick
8. Stop wearing RED & start wearing PURPLE
9. Stop langgar papan & start langgar dinding
10. Graduate, get a job, get rich, get laid
Here you go, my 2006 top 10 resolutions. Hope i can fulfil everything within this year, especially the last one. Hehe...^__^
I know it's going to be exam weeks starting next Monday in MMU. Good lucks to my housemates & friends who are taking any papers. May you do well, and have good mood & patience for me to bug you all.
Click HERE to read more.

Now, back to square 1....i mean 3.
New Year Resolution. i've made a list.
1. Quit talking craps & start talking rubbish
2. Quit spending ringgit & start spending USD
3. Stop taking pictures & start taking photographes
4. Stop being a jerk & start being a
5. Stop being a nerd & start going clubbing
6. Stop being complained & start complaining people
7. Stop being sick & start making people sick
8. Stop wearing RED & start wearing PURPLE
9. Stop langgar papan & start langgar dinding
10. Graduate, get a job, get rich, get laid
Here you go, my 2006 top 10 resolutions. Hope i can fulfil everything within this year, especially the last one. Hehe...^__^
I know it's going to be exam weeks starting next Monday in MMU. Good lucks to my housemates & friends who are taking any papers. May you do well, and have good mood & patience for me to bug you all.
Get laid is good, anytime :)
Anonymous, at Friday, January 06, 2006
is this the jacky-boy i know or another jacky?
chim-chimz, at Friday, January 06, 2006
definitely not jacky cheung
Anonymous, at Friday, January 06, 2006
aikz? got snow.wolf.lake some more?~?~?~?~?
Then snow.wolf.lake is who?
chim-chimz, at Friday, January 06, 2006
SIEN~!! haha..okok..i'll stop being bored..well at least try my best! :)
haha.. aihh..i aso need to make some new yr resolutions man...
i need to FOCUS on some target of achievement..hmm..
although i might not be able to do wad i actually WANT to do..
for instance, stop saying i m bored.. ahahaha..
Anonymous, at Friday, January 06, 2006
good luck & all the best!!
Anonymous, at Sunday, January 08, 2006
resolution made already must keep trying to keep it too....hehe
thx ya, whoever you are =P
chim-chimz, at Monday, January 09, 2006
sorry man..goshh..
seriously i dint realized u were writing STOP and START for ur NY resolution and i did the same for mine and posted liao...goshh..i really really really dint mean to copy u de..i hate copying anywayz..
sei mou? haha.. now oni i read urs and realized i wrote same style..
u wont angry de ho?? :P
ngo heung lei pui jui! dui um jue!
The Emotional Perfectionist, at Monday, January 09, 2006
wah, no need so like tat guar. when i read your post i oso feel kinda familiar. wahaha...anyway, dun worry about it. I'm sure the way i do it ain't original anyway
chim-chimz, at Thursday, January 12, 2006
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