I've Been Tagged!!
I was writing my post for today when suddenly my friend, Christyn, message me over YM & told me that i've been tagged. Here's the conversation:
Christyn: wahahahha
Christyn: u've been tagged
Me: tagged?
Me: where where?
Me: :-o
Christyn: hahaha
Christyn: :p
Christyn: ;;) my blog lo
Christyn: haha
Me: izit...?
Me: y u tag me?
Me: :((
Christyn: haha
Christyn: i like ak
Christyn: :P
Christyn: no need to cry gua
Me: :((:((:((
So you see, i've got no choice but to answer the questions. Long long questions. *Sigh*
* Age turned in 2005?:
Err......wait......*count count count*.....22
* Did you change your hair in 2005? How?
Hell yeah.....let it grew the longest ever in this lifetime, but people told me it's looks ugly. I missed it now though
* The best part of 2005?:
2nd half of 2005. The first half was rough, there's a lot of things that i need to deal with & cope with. Now it's all much better now.
* The worst part of 2005?:
January was the saddest time of this year. That's the time when i was emotionally hurt, mutually of course.
* Did you make any new friends in 2005? Who?:
Got quite a few lar, example the gal who tagged me into doing this lor, and my internship colleagues lor.
* Any new crushes in 2005? Who?
Crush? Don't have wor. You never introduce anyone to me also.
* Do they know?:
Who are they?
* Who will you never forget?:
My Mom, no doubt about it!
* Who did you wish you did not meet?:
Err......is this a trick question?
* Did you have a boy/girlfriend in 2005?:
Well, it's complicated you know
* Did you fall in love in 2005?:
Nope, i fell in love a very long time ago. I'm still there.
* Did you catch someone in a lie in 2005?:
What's that suppose to mean?
* Did you call them out?:
Call who?
* Did you get caught in a lie? What was it?:
I never lie wan. I'm an honest person, okay! *Wink-wink*
* Funniest moment of 2005?:
Hurmm......i think everyone should agree that i'm funny throughout the year, so the funniest moment is the whole year lor.
* Most embarrassing moment of 2005?:
Caught swimming naked in a swimming pool Don't have wor!
* The funniest thing you you saw on TV in 2005?:
Survivor, definitely
* The funniest thing you heard on the radio?:
Seldom listen to radio wor.
* Did you take any vacations in 2005? Where?:
Yeah, went back Ipoh. Coolest place in the whole world.
* Any new hobbies of 2005?:
Yes, glad you ask. I'm in love with PHOTOGRAPHY!!
* Did you get a new job in 2005?:
Internship lor. Can ar?
* Did you lose a job in 2005?:
Err.....nope. Haven't kena fired by boss or i fire boss.
* Did you host a party in 2005?:
Not really, my birthday was just supper. Not really a party.
* Did you get in any car accidents in 2005?:
* Did you get a ticket in 2005?:
* Were you ever arrested in 2005? Wanna say for what?:
Yeah, i was forced to do ear-squat in nude Nope!
* Where did most of your money go?:
My precious FZ5 loooo......totally worth it
* What song will always remind you of 2005?:
I don't think songs will remind me of the year lar. Instead, i think occasions would
* What do you wish you'd done more of?:
* What do you wish you'd done less of?:
Losing my temper
* Thing you were really good at in 2005?:
I was absolutely GREAT in losing my temper
* Thing you wish you were better at in 2005?:
Photography, better temper
* In 2005, did you lie to miss a day of work / school?:
Aiseh, i hope to lie also but they will deduct my pay if i don't have MC lo. Some more i don't have "jalan" to buy fake mc.
* Did you move in 2005?:
Got, moved from A1-5-1 to A2-0-3a
* Did you wish on a shooting star in 2005?:
Didn't see star, but got see "sing-sing".
* Has your wish come true?:
Nope. I'm not a billionaire yet
* Did you have a sleep over in 2005?:
Got lar of course. Who don't?
* Did you make-out in public in 2005?:
Got, with Amber Chia I would like to try that!!
* What's the ringer on your cellphone?:
* Did you drink too much in 2005?:
Drink coke got lar!
* Your favorite commercial of 2005?:
Err, the Hari Raya+Deepavali those lor. Coz meaningful mar
* Did you go to any concerts? Which ones?:
Snow.Wolf.Lake.......missed it of course. DAMN!
* Something you couldn't leave home without in 2005?:
My wallet guar.
* Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2005:
Keep your temper
Take care of the present & the future will take care of itself
* Who I'd Like to Tag:
1. Christyn (coz she tag me, but no need answer the Q lar)
2. Ee-Lane Bumblebee
3. Eunice One Cell Gurl
So, i finally finish answering all those mou-liu questions. Took me how long? I lost count, but it was hours, or felt so. Anyway, if you are tagged, sorry don't blame me ya. Have fun reading & answering the questions, okay?
Christyn: wahahahha
Christyn: u've been tagged
Me: tagged?
Me: where where?
Me: :-o
Christyn: hahaha
Christyn: :p
Christyn: ;;) my blog lo
Christyn: haha
Me: izit...?
Me: y u tag me?
Me: :((
Christyn: haha
Christyn: i like ak
Christyn: :P
Christyn: no need to cry gua
Me: :((:((:((
So you see, i've got no choice but to answer the questions. Long long questions. *Sigh*
* Age turned in 2005?:
Err......wait......*count count count*.....22
* Did you change your hair in 2005? How?
Hell yeah.....let it grew the longest ever in this lifetime, but people told me it's looks ugly. I missed it now though
* The best part of 2005?:
2nd half of 2005. The first half was rough, there's a lot of things that i need to deal with & cope with. Now it's all much better now.
* The worst part of 2005?:
January was the saddest time of this year. That's the time when i was emotionally hurt, mutually of course.
* Did you make any new friends in 2005? Who?:
Got quite a few lar, example the gal who tagged me into doing this lor, and my internship colleagues lor.
* Any new crushes in 2005? Who?
Crush? Don't have wor. You never introduce anyone to me also.
* Do they know?:
Who are they?
* Who will you never forget?:
My Mom, no doubt about it!
* Who did you wish you did not meet?:
Err......is this a trick question?
* Did you have a boy/girlfriend in 2005?:
Well, it's complicated you know
* Did you fall in love in 2005?:
Nope, i fell in love a very long time ago. I'm still there.
* Did you catch someone in a lie in 2005?:
What's that suppose to mean?
* Did you call them out?:
Call who?
* Did you get caught in a lie? What was it?:
I never lie wan. I'm an honest person, okay! *Wink-wink*
* Funniest moment of 2005?:
Hurmm......i think everyone should agree that i'm funny throughout the year, so the funniest moment is the whole year lor.
* Most embarrassing moment of 2005?:
* The funniest thing you you saw on TV in 2005?:
Survivor, definitely
* The funniest thing you heard on the radio?:
Seldom listen to radio wor.
* Did you take any vacations in 2005? Where?:
Yeah, went back Ipoh. Coolest place in the whole world.
* Any new hobbies of 2005?:
Yes, glad you ask. I'm in love with PHOTOGRAPHY!!
* Did you get a new job in 2005?:
Internship lor. Can ar?
* Did you lose a job in 2005?:
Err.....nope. Haven't kena fired by boss or i fire boss.
* Did you host a party in 2005?:
Not really, my birthday was just supper. Not really a party.
* Did you get in any car accidents in 2005?:
* Did you get a ticket in 2005?:
* Were you ever arrested in 2005? Wanna say for what?:
* Where did most of your money go?:
My precious FZ5 loooo......totally worth it
* What song will always remind you of 2005?:
I don't think songs will remind me of the year lar. Instead, i think occasions would
* What do you wish you'd done more of?:
* What do you wish you'd done less of?:
Losing my temper
* Thing you were really good at in 2005?:
I was absolutely GREAT in losing my temper
* Thing you wish you were better at in 2005?:
Photography, better temper
* In 2005, did you lie to miss a day of work / school?:
Aiseh, i hope to lie also but they will deduct my pay if i don't have MC lo. Some more i don't have "jalan" to buy fake mc.
* Did you move in 2005?:
Got, moved from A1-5-1 to A2-0-3a
* Did you wish on a shooting star in 2005?:
Didn't see star, but got see "sing-sing".
* Has your wish come true?:
Nope. I'm not a billionaire yet
* Did you have a sleep over in 2005?:
Got lar of course. Who don't?
* Did you make-out in public in 2005?:
* What's the ringer on your cellphone?:
* Did you drink too much in 2005?:
Drink coke got lar!
* Your favorite commercial of 2005?:
Err, the Hari Raya+Deepavali those lor. Coz meaningful mar
* Did you go to any concerts? Which ones?:
Snow.Wolf.Lake.......missed it of course. DAMN!
* Something you couldn't leave home without in 2005?:
My wallet guar.
* Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2005:
Keep your temper
Take care of the present & the future will take care of itself
* Who I'd Like to Tag:
1. Christyn (coz she tag me, but no need answer the Q lar)
2. Ee-Lane Bumblebee
3. Eunice One Cell Gurl
So, i finally finish answering all those mou-liu questions. Took me how long? I lost count, but it was hours, or felt so. Anyway, if you are tagged, sorry don't blame me ya. Have fun reading & answering the questions, okay?
so u 're blaming me for this whole thing la now....:P
hahahha..hope u enjoyed answering this and my YM msgs for hours juz now..
happy new year 2006 in advance!
Anonymous, at Thursday, December 29, 2005
Wahaha, thx thx =P
chim-chimz, at Thursday, December 29, 2005
kekekkee, i m tagged! :P i think this is interesting n funny! :D
Anonymous, at Friday, December 30, 2005
hahaha :))
this is funny. see i gave you some bloggin material for 1 day entry leh. mz thank me :P
chim-chimz, at Friday, December 30, 2005
Thank you!
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