A Ghost Story
Do you believe in ghosts?
Have you seen any?
Have you seen it in the month of the Hungry Ghost Festival?
If you are afraid because you've seen the dwellers of the other world during the month of the Hungy Ghost, be afraid this year. Be very afraid.
In the Chinese Lunar calendar, each year there are actually 13 months instead of 12. The extra month is called a leap month. On this particular year of the Loyal Dog, the leap year falls on the 7th month, which is also the month of the Hungry Ghost Festival. For more theories on this matter, click here.
If after this lengthy explaination, you still don't understand what ever the crap i'm talking about, i'll make it REAL short. This year got 60 days of "gwei-jit".
So, if you are those superstitous or those very scared of ghost type of people, i suggest you to stay home for 2 months don't go clubbing so often, don't go midnight show so often, and don't do kinky stuff with your other half until the middle of the night.
Please don't complain about this, because the hungry ghost will hear you. If they are not happy about what you said, then beware they might come find you. Anyhow, the Hungry Ghost Festival is kind of like a holiday for these dwellers from the torturing they endure everyday in hell. So, just take it as we got visitors coming for visits. You don't kacau them, they won't kacau you also, rite?
Talking about ghost, last nite i went to Bumbz place to watch DVD. WS-Satelite & Skinny-Queenie is there too. We watch the Memoirs of Geisha. I know this isn't a ghost movie, but i must really say that this movie "hou gwei sien".
No wonder the Japs criticize this movie so much. For starters, all the leading Geisha role in the movie are, first of all, not even Japanese. Secondly, they portrayed the Geisha like prostitutes.
In the movie, to become a true Geisha, you must first sell your virginity to the highest priced bidding. Just like Lelong.com, you get the product if you bid the highest price. True, a Geisha doesn't sell her body, she lelong her virginity.
If you were planning to watch this movie in the big screen, go ahead. I didn't say you cannot go watch in cinema. I would only say i'd rather watch DVD only.
I didn't read the book for this movie, but i'm sure the sien-ness wouldn't be far from it anyway. But one thing for sure in this movie, from the way i see it, is that the actings of Zhang Zi Yi, Michelle Yeoh & Gong Li is remarkable. Just too bad the movie is just what i expected it to be: Sappy-nappy-draggy-hou-gwei-sien~!~!~!
Anyway, exam week is going to end for MMU soon. Hope everyone will enjoy their holidays and also their Chinese New Year Celebrations. Cheerz~!
Have you seen any?
Have you seen it in the month of the Hungry Ghost Festival?
If you are afraid because you've seen the dwellers of the other world during the month of the Hungy Ghost, be afraid this year. Be very afraid.
In the Chinese Lunar calendar, each year there are actually 13 months instead of 12. The extra month is called a leap month. On this particular year of the Loyal Dog, the leap year falls on the 7th month, which is also the month of the Hungry Ghost Festival. For more theories on this matter, click here.
If after this lengthy explaination, you still don't understand what ever the crap i'm talking about, i'll make it REAL short. This year got 60 days of "gwei-jit".
So, if you are those superstitous or those very scared of ghost type of people, i suggest you to stay home for 2 months don't go clubbing so often, don't go midnight show so often, and don't do kinky stuff with your other half until the middle of the night.
Please don't complain about this, because the hungry ghost will hear you. If they are not happy about what you said, then beware they might come find you. Anyhow, the Hungry Ghost Festival is kind of like a holiday for these dwellers from the torturing they endure everyday in hell. So, just take it as we got visitors coming for visits. You don't kacau them, they won't kacau you also, rite?
Talking about ghost, last nite i went to Bumbz place to watch DVD. WS-Satelite & Skinny-Queenie is there too. We watch the Memoirs of Geisha. I know this isn't a ghost movie, but i must really say that this movie "hou gwei sien".
No wonder the Japs criticize this movie so much. For starters, all the leading Geisha role in the movie are, first of all, not even Japanese. Secondly, they portrayed the Geisha like prostitutes.
" Remember, Chiyo, geisha are not courtesans. And we are not wives. We sell our skills, not our bodies. We create another secret world, a place only of beauty. The very word "geisha" means artist and to be a geisha is to be judged as a moving work of art." quoted by Mameha.
In the movie, to become a true Geisha, you must first sell your virginity to the highest priced bidding. Just like Lelong.com, you get the product if you bid the highest price. True, a Geisha doesn't sell her body, she lelong her virginity.
If you were planning to watch this movie in the big screen, go ahead. I didn't say you cannot go watch in cinema. I would only say i'd rather watch DVD only.
I didn't read the book for this movie, but i'm sure the sien-ness wouldn't be far from it anyway. But one thing for sure in this movie, from the way i see it, is that the actings of Zhang Zi Yi, Michelle Yeoh & Gong Li is remarkable. Just too bad the movie is just what i expected it to be: Sappy-nappy-draggy-hou-gwei-sien~!~!~!
Anyway, exam week is going to end for MMU soon. Hope everyone will enjoy their holidays and also their Chinese New Year Celebrations. Cheerz~!
that is so random ... me and my friend was talking about this on the net last night ... he totally freaked out!
Anonymous, at Friday, January 13, 2006
about the 60 days ghost festival? this is freaky~!~!
chim-chimz, at Friday, January 13, 2006
erm...that movie really not nice? i'm thinking to go watch it :p
jesslynn, at Saturday, January 14, 2006
I've read the book, and I loved it! Can't wait for the movie though... :p
Anonymous, at Saturday, January 14, 2006
why "ghost story" when cny is near?
Anonymous, at Saturday, January 14, 2006
Please don't complain about this, because the hungry ghost will hear you. <---ghost might read ur blog... yer... :-S
Anonymous, at Saturday, January 14, 2006
don't talk talk gwei wen new year coming la.
Talk Gwei Mui 9394 like
Nine3 Nine3, at Saturday, January 14, 2006
cHiM ChiM..
aihh..60days ghost festival..
i read it on newspaper too..
no need so scared la..we dint do anything wrong also.. hehe
memoirs of geisha not nice? i am waitin for the movie leh..since i saw the preview last yr..
hmm..hopefully not like u said ler...if not i will b disappointed...
Anonymous, at Saturday, January 14, 2006
err, i don't really like it lar, but other people might like it geh. To me it feels a bit sien lor so..... =P
good lar, i think the book is always a better choice to go. Read Da Vinci Code, and really hope the movie this coming June won't ruin it.
Haha, y ghost story when CNY is near ar? Coz i no pantang wan. *LOL*
I'm sure ghost can read my blog oso since now they got those paper computers & laptops selling at those paper shops. I think they using wireless to online wan. :D
No one to talk gwei-mui with me lar. Come find me more we talk together lar. Hehe....
Yalo, that's y i say i no pantang lor. Not like we did anything against our conscience also.
The movie, err....you watch & you judge it lor coz everyone's taste also different wan mar. =P
chim-chimz, at Sunday, January 15, 2006
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