Homosexual? Transexual?
I was on my way to work this morning, and as usual the radio is on. The show was talking about some gender issue, like transexuality & homosexuality.
This make me wonder, do i have any discrimination in any form towards those who are more prone to being a transexual or a homosexual?
Well, i guess i have no problem with homosexuality. Since Elton John got married never triggered my nerves. I don't (know) if any of my friends are homosexual, be it a guy or a gal, since no one told me they are one. There are of course rumours that some particular person is queer, but no hard proof on anyt claims.
So, am i prone to discriminate against homosexuality? Are you?
One question leads to another. What action i do will i be consider to be discriminative against someone? Is is treating a particular "gay" person in an exceptionally bad way considered? Or is it treating them with a whole different personality of myself in front of them?
My rationale self keeping mumbling to me, telling me i am not a discriminative person. Gay or not, they are a human being as well. They have sins, so do we. So, why discriminate since they are no difference then us?
But yet, the devil sitting in my head just tell me "Yeah, rite~!~!". I cannot fully persuade myself that i do not discriminate against homosexually prone people.
Asking myself, would i share a room with a homosexual friend on a trip? i think through this question for awhile before deciding that i would. Yes, i would share a room with a homosexual friend of mine. Why? Two reasons.
The first would be, i trust my friends. I have confidence that all my friends are trustworthy people.
The second reason would be,i'm not attractive enough for anything to happen homosexual people are not animals. They don't go humping anyone that goes in their way.
*scratch head*
How about transexuality? Transexual comes from the word "transition" and "sex". Combining the words, it means transforming your gender. The general public often defines "a transsexual" as someone who had or plans to have a sex change surgery.
Now, why would someone born with one gender wants to change it to another one?
Now let's say you are a gal (if you are already a gal, please ignore the "IF"), and you are on a company business trip with your colleague, who is a transexual, changing his gender from a HE to a SHE. Since the company only have limited funds allocation, you would need to share the same room with your colleague. Do you feel alright with that? Or would you rather fork out your own money to get another hotel room?
Which of these decissions make you are discriminative person? Which one don't?
I'm pretty sure i'm most fine with transexuality actually. Nothing about them bothers me too much. Just the curiosity of the reason behind them for doing so. Is it psychological needs? Emotional perhaps? Or are there other reasons?
Does writing this entry makes me a discriminative person towards homosexuality & transexuality? I'm certain that many now will believe that they have no grudge or hate or whatsoever negative feelings towards these groups of people. But believe & actually being what you believed in, can sometimes be hard to achieve.
I'm sure a lot of people out there have certain prejudice against certain race of peple, stating that they are lazy, or they are the ones who usually commit crimes, or they are low class people. i categorized this kind of thinking as discrimination, although most of them told me that they don't think they are discriminating anyone in anyway, but merely telling the truth.
This entry is like a metaphor for me to talk about several types of discriminations, be it discrimination against homosexuality, transexuality, or being a racist, sexist and etc. Many people are being discriminative towards other people, but they don't realize it, or even worst, they don't admit it even though they realized it.
Of course everyone had their reasons for being the way they are. In fact, try look at things from a few different points of view sometimes instead of just one & jump straight into conclusion. Maybe the world might just be a better place to live in.
This make me wonder, do i have any discrimination in any form towards those who are more prone to being a transexual or a homosexual?
Well, i guess i have no problem with homosexuality. Since Elton John got married never triggered my nerves. I don't (know) if any of my friends are homosexual, be it a guy or a gal, since no one told me they are one. There are of course rumours that some particular person is queer, but no hard proof on anyt claims.
So, am i prone to discriminate against homosexuality? Are you?
One question leads to another. What action i do will i be consider to be discriminative against someone? Is is treating a particular "gay" person in an exceptionally bad way considered? Or is it treating them with a whole different personality of myself in front of them?
My rationale self keeping mumbling to me, telling me i am not a discriminative person. Gay or not, they are a human being as well. They have sins, so do we. So, why discriminate since they are no difference then us?
But yet, the devil sitting in my head just tell me "Yeah, rite~!~!". I cannot fully persuade myself that i do not discriminate against homosexually prone people.
Asking myself, would i share a room with a homosexual friend on a trip? i think through this question for awhile before deciding that i would. Yes, i would share a room with a homosexual friend of mine. Why? Two reasons.
The first would be, i trust my friends. I have confidence that all my friends are trustworthy people.
The second reason would be,
*scratch head*
How about transexuality? Transexual comes from the word "transition" and "sex". Combining the words, it means transforming your gender. The general public often defines "a transsexual" as someone who had or plans to have a sex change surgery.
Now, why would someone born with one gender wants to change it to another one?
Now let's say you are a gal (if you are already a gal, please ignore the "IF"), and you are on a company business trip with your colleague, who is a transexual, changing his gender from a HE to a SHE. Since the company only have limited funds allocation, you would need to share the same room with your colleague. Do you feel alright with that? Or would you rather fork out your own money to get another hotel room?
Which of these decissions make you are discriminative person? Which one don't?
I'm pretty sure i'm most fine with transexuality actually. Nothing about them bothers me too much. Just the curiosity of the reason behind them for doing so. Is it psychological needs? Emotional perhaps? Or are there other reasons?
Does writing this entry makes me a discriminative person towards homosexuality & transexuality? I'm certain that many now will believe that they have no grudge or hate or whatsoever negative feelings towards these groups of people. But believe & actually being what you believed in, can sometimes be hard to achieve.
I'm sure a lot of people out there have certain prejudice against certain race of peple, stating that they are lazy, or they are the ones who usually commit crimes, or they are low class people. i categorized this kind of thinking as discrimination, although most of them told me that they don't think they are discriminating anyone in anyway, but merely telling the truth.
This entry is like a metaphor for me to talk about several types of discriminations, be it discrimination against homosexuality, transexuality, or being a racist, sexist and etc. Many people are being discriminative towards other people, but they don't realize it, or even worst, they don't admit it even though they realized it.
Of course everyone had their reasons for being the way they are. In fact, try look at things from a few different points of view sometimes instead of just one & jump straight into conclusion. Maybe the world might just be a better place to live in.
This time, I'm the 1st person to laugh at you. Just came back from blog-idleness. :P
Honestly I can't stand transgenders (especially that particular Korean). Kinda makes me sick :P
But, as outrageous as homo and transgender seems, yet who are we to judge these individuals? As long as they still contribute to the society and support it, I think there's no harm in it - but I'd still steer clear of transgenders. :P
And well, it's not totally against Mother Nature's law - I've also heard from somewhere that, certain animals (if not mistaken, it's under the Class Reptilia but I forgot which), when facing a shortage of one of their genders in that certain area, some of them can actually change their own gender to balance the population.
Jad [Alt] Kaizer, at Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Harisu, the famous Korean transgender. It's a sad thing that he's more prettier than real gals. But at least he's living the life he wants, and hope he's happier then before.
yo dude, thx for dropping by man. i think u mean fashion will be dull without the gay guys rite?
chim-chimz, at Wednesday, January 18, 2006
transgenders... nooooo
Anonymous, at Wednesday, January 18, 2006
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