Tuesday, January 30, 2007

CellPhones Are From Yesterday

I came upon this while surfing through YouTube. I don't know how true is this but if it's really real, it's going to be like the coolest thing ever up-to-date. Have a look.

Fancy? Ain't it the coolest thing up-to-date?


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Will Cameron Cry Today?

Last weekend was a really relaxing weekend. Although i didn't get much rest but it was really worth the hassle, and worth the money.

I was high up in the mountains, breathing fresh clean air, enjoying cool breeze, indulging in sceneries of lush greeneries of tea leaves.

Cameron Highlands.

Lush Greeneries

It was a simple trip, but long planned. The best thing about this trip was it reminds me that i still have a life to live. I still have my friends.

I like this pic in particular. This makes Jeh & me looks so much like real siblings.
Me, Myself & Jeh.!

I was really glad that this trip went pretty well, despite the short time we spent together. We were walking around, buying food, snapping photographs, laughing out all loud. Every passerby was practically looking at us for being so loud.

But it was fun. It was really relaxing. I haven't had this much fun, haven't felt this relaxing since.....................God knows when.

This trip really kept me recharged.

All our activities were not thrilling, but it was relaxing and soothing instead. We went for tea at BOH plantation, we went Cactus Valley, Strawberry Farm.....just some normal tourist attraction spots.

Tea Anyone?
Where's my Ping-Goh-Chang?

The short time we spent together was the only thing that makes me feel sad throughout this trip. That is why i savor every bit and seconds, capturing every memorable moments into jpeg. Weeks, months, or maybe years later (if my hard disks are still working), when i view back these pictures, definitely it will bring joy and laughter onto my face & into my heart.

Again, thanks guys.....& gals, for such a memorable time you gave to me. May God bless you, and may the dharma guide you, or which ever applies.
This Is Us.!


Wednesday, January 17, 2007


"What is suffering?", asked the man.

"Suffering is when you crave for something which you cannot get. That is when you feel suffering.", answered Ajahn Bhram.

Very true indeed is the word of the wise. We always blame everything else when we feel our life is torture. We would blame our boss, some slow-moving drivers on the highway, the weather.

But how many times did we look at the same thing from a different perspective?

This reminds me of a story from Ajahn Bhram's talk. He was in Ipoh last Sunday evening, his first trip to this quiet little town.

There was a supermarket in town where everyone would shop for their daily groceries there. Little kids and toddlers would follow their mom on their groceries shopping. In the midst of everyone busy buying everyone's stuffs, a kid accidentally dropped a bottle of honey to the floor, breaking the bottle.

Then the mother looked at the child angrily, and scolded out "You stupid child!".

On another occassion, another kid broke another bottle of honey to the floor, breaking the bottle.

Then the mother of this other child looked sternly at her child, and said "That's a stupid thing to do!".

End of story.

It might not be significant as to what is the difference of the 2 scenarios in the story, but let me explain.

The mother of the first child labeled the child as a "stupid child" when the child did something wrong, which the kid might just grow up into someday. Someone who think he really is stupid because that's how his mom taught him since he was a toddler.

The mother of the other child labeled the incident as a "stupid thing to do", which will make the kid realize that that is something he shouldn't have done. He just might not do it again the next time.

Haven't you realize a simple shift in mind will make such great difference in everything?

Staying happy is the simplest thing to do. Just stay positive. Just think positive. When you do, good things will really be attracted to you. Promise that.

Suffering is when you crave for something which you cannot get. Try thinking in another perspective. What you don't have is what you have yet to posses instead. It will come to you someday.


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Friday Night With Samuel V

*This is an emo post.

It was already 6.15pm on Friday evening that time. It was time to go home for some, it wasn't for others. It wasn't for me too. Everyone was still working, looking into the brightly lit computer screen. Concentrating on data, and coding.

The digital clock counts every seconds towards 7pm. It's already time to gather at the office. The same purpose for the tens of us, but for some the reason unknown. Time was up but we still have not finish drawing the shirt. The shirt we plan to give him. The shirt that would remind him of all of us. The shirt with his name on it.


It was a great loss for our team, the test development team. He was someone who have left a footprint inside our hearts, and now he had left us. We're happy for him though. For finding a better offer, for finding a better place.

We drove a long way from the place we work to the place we dine. It was a steamboat house.The ambience was great, perfect for a nice dinner time we're expecting to get. As he walked through the doorway, we was all smiling. He was always smiling.

We were like usual, cracking jokes throughout the night, laughing all the way, enjoying ourselves. It was all relaxing, it was all warm. That's how Sam is.

Towards the end of the dinner, he gave a speech, thanking everyone for everything, and sharing how he felt about all of us. It was funny and it was emotional.

Everyone at the Dinner
-Samuel & the Gang-

I've uploaded the first & second part of his speech. So enjoy ya.

Thanks Sam for all the funny stuffs that made us all laughed our guts out. Thanks again for all the stupid jokes i made and you still laugh at them. Stay healthy, get wealthy and have a great life punk.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Comfort Zone?

Man, was it hard to log into blogger for the last few nites. Wanted to shout out some deep unhappy negative feelings here, but it was even more frustrating to be not able to log into here.

But i think it's for the best lar, else i'm gonna scold everyone that comes across me.

Anyway, i had a thought lately. About how come a lot of people refuse to make changes to themselves?

You know sometimes there will be people telling you that you should make improvements to yourselves, telling you that you should be better. But of course, who ever listens to advice when they were given sincerely?

i know i don't. At least not everytime.

It's always when you bang into the wall, and then you'll tell yourselves, "I know i should've listen that time."

Well, it's not always too late though. My point today is not about regrets and stuffs. It's about how come we refuse to change ourselves?

Managers in my company always talk about changing our mindsets, about changing our attitudes. We must always have the end in mind. But i see the same shit going on everyday. We can always be talking about changing and improving, but it only happens when we really do something about it.

Just why don't we do something about it then?


The fear of leaving the comfort zone we are in now. Fear of risking everything we have now. Fear of getting into deep pile of shit. Fear of failing.

It's always those less fortunate people who are willing to work hard that got everything in life in the end. Why? They have nothing to lose in trying. They have no comfort zone to linger in.

If you think your life is good now, think again. There'll be a day when your comfort zone shrinks so much, and it will be too late for you to do anything about it.

Do more when you are still young. Think out of the box. Live beyond your comfort zone.

Improve yourselves.


Monday, January 08, 2007


Every year everyone will make a list of resolutions and see how many of them are achieved. i made a list too last year today, but before the end of that month i forgot all about them.

To be honest, sometimes i just don't give a damn care whether i achieve my wish-list or not.

Then again, when you grow older, and goes out to the cruel working world, especially when you are single with too much free time in hand.

Well, to do something different this year, i'm going to attached this list of resolutions at the side-bar and then cross every items once i've achived them.

That way, i won't forget rite?

So here goes.

2007 New Year Resolutions.

1. Complete my room deco.
2. Must be technically smarter everyday until the end of 2007.
3. Must start to pay off my PTPTN.
4. Get a new handphone of choice.
5. Get a girlfriend cun-chick girlfriend.
6. Stop screwing-up my projects at work with stupid mistakes.
7. Get salary increase & promotions, if not a better offer.
8. Perform better than i already am at work.
9. Start finding part-time investments.
10. Get to 3rd base, if you know what i mean.
11. Be 20K richer.
12. Go travel Amsterdam outside the country.
13. Improve my photography skill.
14. Boost up my confidence level.
15. Get a cool jacket.
16. Be more stylish, fashionably speaking.
17. Boost up alchohol tolerance level.
18. Get a new pair of sneakers of choice.
19. Fix my home PC.
20. Complete everything in this list by the end of 2007.

i think 20 is already a handful for now. Perhaps i will add on later when i thought of something i really wanted so much.

Until then, cheerz~!!


Sunday, January 07, 2007

Something Old for Something New

Every new year, year after year. This will sure happen. Sooner or later. Years after years.

It's a mystery why it should happen everytime it turns into a new year. What happen?

I'm sick again. Down with flu & sore-throat. It's been like half-a-week since Wednesday, and i'm still not recovering from it.

It's Monday again, and i'm seriously reluctant to get up early again for work in this kind of condition.

I don't know about you but when i'm sick, i can't really concentrate on anything. Not even sleeping. Believe it or not, i don't know what am i typing onto this page right at this moment.


But i'm glad i'm able to surf YouTube quite smoothly during the weekends.

And i'm glad photobucket is functioning again too.

Seems like things are getting better for me.

How about you? Are you feeling lucky?

Watch out next, my new year resolution list. Until then. Cheerz~!!


Saturday, January 06, 2007

Guide for Single Guys

It's always a great thing to be single, and very well available for a relationship. You get to check out chicks. You get to flirt around, like back in high school days. You get to go out with different gals everyday without hesitating whether someone is at home waiting for your call.

It's that kind of freedom lor~!!

Somehow, the hormones reacted differently. We tend to get "itchy" to be in a relationship. Then when you really do get into one, you'll most probably screw up the first few times. Then you got fed-up with you life, show a long face day and night, and sulk over how sad you are after being such a loser in a relationship.

That's me alright.

But then again. It's not all that bad either. Think of it on the bright side. Everytime you screwed up in a relationship, you are one step closer to knowing better what type of gal that you really is compatible with, and knowing which type you really like.

Hey, that's not bad at all right?

It really hurts, even though it's not the first time, i know. But heck, bygones are bygones. There are reasons why our eyes are on the front of our face, and not the back of our head.

The toughest part of being a single male, just after screwing up a well worth relationship is the loneliness you feel during weekends, holiday seasons, and most of the other times of the day.

This is where friends come in handy. This is when it's always a good time to catch-up with friends on all the time you ditched them coz of your gal. Make them do some activities with you.

Go for sports, movies. Just do some stuffs with the guys. Go watch the EPL.

In short, just try not to cry over spilt milk. It would be more productive to put the sadness you feel inside into good use. It would be a good time to work harder in your company, study harder for your exams, practice harder for that competition.

Take care of the present, and the future will take care of itselves.


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Secret: The Law of Attraction

Happy 2007 everyone. This is the first post of the year, and don't worry. i will not spoil the new year mood this time.

Time for EMO has passed, and it's time for a new beginning again.

A friend of mine forwarded a link to me, a video post on a documentary (i think) something about The Secret.

What is The Secret?

Click HERE the link. I would like to share this with everyone. It's a 20 minutes clip, but believe me, this is worth the waiting.

If you feel really sad, really down, really emo lately, then you should really have a look at this. Seriously, it's really interesting how little things in our life can really shape our future. The tiniest thing like our thoughts & feelings.

Whatever you are thinking and feeling today is creating your future. Your thoughts and your feeling create your life.

A quote from the clip. This is what the concept is about. The law of attraction.

Negative thoughts attract negative things to happen in your life. Vice versa, positive thoughts create positive things in your life.

How you think will affect how you feel. Your feelings will attract the things that will happen to you. That is why the right thinking is important.

Do not despair, do not fear, for negative feelings emits negative vibes. That leads to all those bad things that happen in your life.

I always complain my luck is bad. Funny problems keeps happening to me. i've always feared of failing, always fear of making mistakes, and guess what? All these keep trailing me no matter where i go.

i can't say what the video clip talk about is truly effective, but i would say it's a good start.

i know what i can become, it's just i've lose some self-confidence throughout the journey to the present. Thanks friends for all the support when i need you guys (& gals) them most.

And thanks for being a companion when i need companionship the most.

You create your own universe as you go along.
