Sunday, November 23, 2008

Should i? Should i not?

I've been saying this phrase a lot lately, "At a time like this...", mostly referring to the downturn in the economy affecting major countries in the world.

And every time i say it, i meant it in a very gloomy way. There's no doubt the time is very terrible now, especially if your cash flows are tied up in the forever plunging stock market, or in the escalating property market, or even if you are being laid-off from your company which you've spent half your life working your butt off for.

Again, at a time like this, what would be the best decision to make to survive this downturn without affecting much of my normal lifestyle?

You know how an idle mind is the devil's workshop. It's been slightly less busy at work lately, and knowing me, i always think it's a waste of youth to not make the best out of the most energetic 10 years of my working age. To me, what you could gain when you're young is always an advantage when you're older.

Right now, lots of things are on my mind, lots of decisions to be made. Decision not about where to go for holiday or where to eat for dinner, but of a life changing one. A decision once made, will completely change my life, my attitude, myself.

Should i do it or not?

At a time like this, working an extra job is always a good thing. Not only at a time like this of course. So should i or should i not. My dead line is January.

Should i or should i not?


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Economic Recession

There has been so much of bad news, rumors going around that there will be forced-leave in the company. It's not all that bad because it's already a fact that some customer company is laying off their employees. Compared to them, i'm pretty lucky to still be able to keep my job.

Maybe let's not compared to the extreme cases. Not all customer companies are laying off people. There are also companies that are just implementing forced-leave, this strategy in an attempt to reduce overhead cost in running the company. It's already a known fact in some customer companies as well as our competitors that have implemented this in their organization. In our case, everyone is talking about it, gloomy as ever but still no firm news that we are going to do this as well.

Although doubtful we will not, i still hope they won't implement this for too long a time. When this happens, only the people at the bottom of the organization pyramid suffers the most. Me in the middle class range of the pyramid will not be spared as well.

One thing good is, my pay is not high enough to get the big envelope in case we start laying off people. Not sure this is actually a good thing or not. I mean it's good not to get laid off by the company, but my pay is still not high enough after 2 years of working with the company.....well, that's something i need to ponder about.

Anyway, at times like this, just like how everyone says,let's be more prudent in our spending. Not to say don't spend at all, but most likely that HTC Touch needs to wait a little while more.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Miskin Kaya Apa Bezanya?

Well, there's a hell lot's of difference between miskin & kaya but it all depends on rich & poor in what sense when we discuss about this topic. It's not necessarily about monetary wealth. It could be about your healthy, it could be about your social life, it could be about your working lifestyle.

You can be rich AND poor at the same time. You're wealthy young man who only dine imported steak & the finest wine in the house. You earn 5 figures daily without even going to work yourself. Monetary wise Kaya. Of course God is fair if he's there. You as this young man, die at age 30 because of cancer. Miskin in health. Ironic right?

Everyone wants the best of both world but no one wants to compromise to give and not to expect anything in return. In times like now when the economic crisis are bound to hit us in less than 2 months, everyone is scared, everyone is worried that they will lose out if they give more than they receive.

You never lose out when you give more than you receive.

Maybe on your accounts book it does but what you gained from giving is unmeasurable. You can weigh kindness. You can't measure kindness. If you are the hand that stretch out to a drowning man today, you won't know how that drowning man will help you in the future. Even if he doesn't, it does no harm to save someone. Do you always need to charge someone a fair sum of money before you save them?

It does make a difference with you being Miskin or Kaya, and i meant in the sense of kindness towards others. If you have the ability, the capability to give, that doesn't prove that you are far more superior than other people. It simply means that you are blessed with the choice to help other people, and helping other people who needs them are the greatest weatlth in the whole world.

An act of random kindness today, brings smiles and laughter to the face of our children tomorrow.

And perhaps that is the greatest gift we can give to our children, and their children when we're no longer here.

The greatedst wealth is not how much money you have in your bank account or how many condominiums you own, or what car you're driving around town.

The greatest wealth is not how healthy you are when you don't take care of your health, you drink often, sleep late often, smoke often but you still don't die.

The greatest wealth IS the ability you have to give to others, and you choose to give to others your kindness. This is something you can't buy with money. Pure kindness.
