Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sleepy Head

i must have gotten the sleeping spell, perhaps a witch cast it onto me. After visiting my sis in Kampar this morning, i slept through the whole afternoon until 4pm from noon time.

Not sure what has gotten into me that yawning seems to be an every 5 minutes thingy. I keep having the desire to sleep though it's not sleeping time yet. Is this a sign of old age?

As i was typing the previous line, i yawned again.

It's almost midnight now, and tomorrow got to go work, and the weather doesn't seem too hot to slumber. So i guess i'll give in to my inner desire to sleep and go sleep.

i just yawned again.



Today is a fruitful Saturday, unlike most weekends when i just sit on by behind & play games throughout the whole afternoon and then again at night.

What activities i did which is so fruitful, you may ask. Well, first of all, i spent it with SQ, and second of all, for the first time ever, we made cookies together. Chocolate chip cookies.

We've done quite a number of couple activities together, but we've never gone into baking before, and finally today, we've done it. That feels kind of like we've moved on to another stage of our relationship again. That actually feel pretty lovely.

Anyway, after buying ingredients from the nearby Tesco, we came back to my place, move out all the tools we need for the baking & the preparations, placed all the ingredients we bought from supermarket on the table, and we started work.

As a reminder, we are making chocolate chip cookies.

First we beat the butter with brown sugar until smooth, then we added in the vanilla essence, and then egg, and then milk and finally flour & the chocolate chips.

Roadblock #1: How to put onto the pan?

I find this kind of difficult to do since the dough was very soft and sticky. So in the end we just use a spoon and drop all the cookies dough onto a pan and put the pan into the oven.

Roadblock #2: It's soft!

I thought the cookies will hardened up after it cooled down. Apparently not entirely true in my case. The outer crust is crunchy, just like how cookies should be but the's not undercooked, just not hard.

So, instead of getting cookies, i called my result a cake-kies, since it's like eating cake.

Anyhow, it's a very fruitful day spent with SQ.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Tribute to The King of Pop: Michael Jackson

i was literally in a lost of word when i heard the news on the radio this morning as i was driving to work. Michael Jackson has passed on at the age of 50 due to cardiac arrest. He was scheduling for his tour concert in London next month, but unfortunately, he couldn't make it till then.

i grew up watching MJ. i still remember watching his thriller mtv on tv. i was little but he made a deep impression as i was growing up. i remember seeing him appearing on tv for a good cause; trying to save mother earth, trying to stop wars, trying to stop poverty, trying to make the world a better place for you, for me and the entire human race.

There was no doubt that his life was tornado-ed upside down with lots of court cases and accusations of really bad things. There was no doubt his personal life was quoted as a "circus side-show". There was no doubt that his passion of changing his skin colour often striked him remarks like "Freak!". There was no doubt when people call him the King of Flop when he failed to re-achieve his own successes.

But there was also no doubt, that his unbreakable record selling Thriller still top the chart until now. There was no doubt about his talent, and his professionalism, and his effort to help save the world. There is no doubt he is irreplaceable in the hearts of each and every fan he has out there.

Michael Jackson, his life was never a smooth sail on a lake, rather swimming with the shark. He worked harder than everyone to be successful in what he does, and his contributions and love towards music has undoubtedly shaped what the industry are today. His passing away today is definitely a shocked to us all. Let us all remember him of his talents, contributions and passion for music and world peace.

Let's not cry, let's not be saddened for he will be remembered as the King of Pop forever.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Positivity for a Change

i just realized i'm posting a lot about the negativity i felt on that certain day when i blog. For instance i wrote "I'm pissed with Citibank" on twitter yesterday, and then just now i almost wrote "I'm pissed with JPJ".

Any other normal days i would post something like "I'm pissed with my Boss" or "I'm working with IDIOTS" or similar things like that.

That's not good. Not good at all.

Need to feel more positivity for a change. It spells P.O.S.I.T.I.V.I.T.Y.

For starter, this post is to start feeling positive about feeling positive =D


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Unexpected Meet Up

I've been in a relationship with SQ for more than over 2 years now. How time flies! More than often i've met her parents over dinner and sometimes on trips. SQ on the other hand have met my side of the family as well, also over dinner from time to time.

The thing is, our parents have not officially met. My dad knows her dad as Dr. Hu, and her dad knows mine as Mr Chim. SQ and i did discussed this topic some time not too far back that our parents have not officially met, and that seems kind of strange since we've been dating since 2 years back.

Well, out of pure coincidence they met this morning over breakfast. SQ's dad is a frequent visitor to this dim-sum place in town, on almost every weekend i think. My dad on the other hand is pretty unpredictable on where to eat on Sunday mornings. In another word, we set out in the morning and drive towards the first place we can think of and eat there.

Since today is Father's Day, we all go out together, including my grandparents and my parents, to have breakfast together, which coincidentally my dad suggested this same dim sum place. And coincidentally because we had lunch date with my mom's side grandpa, we had to move breakfast earlier this morning and hence colliding with SQ's parents' breakfast time every weekend.

So many coincidence in a day, i think the odds of this happening is lesser than striking the jack-pot.

Anyhow, Happy Father's Day ;-)


Saturday, June 20, 2009


Lots of things happened around me lately. Not that these kind of things had never happened to anyone before but when it happens to people around you or even worst to you, you will feel the pinch.

Which makes me think that life is short, and when it's not it's pretty fragile. Not that i don't know about this already, but all the things happening lately just became a wake up alarm clock call to me.

i've got to start caring more about the people around me starting now. I've got a lot of friends but then i realize i know nuts about them. i've got a number of relatives and i realize i know nuts about them too. What kind of person am i when i don't know much about my own relatives?

That calls for Operation: Eagle Nest. Objective: Know everything about my friends & relatives like i know myself. Mission: Go visit friends & relatives more often and if possible, live off them for a long period of time to save cost. Reason for project name: No apparent one, just think that it's cool to call a boring mission with a great name. LOL


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


My grandpa, mom's side, got admitted into the hospital yesterday evening, and thanks to the very efficient working system of the Ipoh General Hospital, or must be known as Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, the public can only visit during lunch hour and right before dinner time.

So i went to visit him during lunch hour today after settling my car loan at the bank. He was by himself when i reached, and i almost missed him the first time i walk past. When i spotted him, i walked up to him and greeted him and ask how he was feeling today.

So he answered me like how he normally would talk, and then he started asking me questions, really funny questions like where am i from? where do i stay? where do i work? And it actually kind of freaked me out a lot when he asked me my name.

Apparently my grandpa cannot recognize me. So i told him who i was, and then i continue talking to him a little bit more before leaving back to work. He remember me, but he cannot recognize me when i walk up to him today.

I told SQ, though she didn't do a good job consoling me, but she did make a point that when old people, especially those that had gone through stroke before tends to suffer from dementia. Though that's not good news, but then again it's better to know now and be ready that someday he might forget me.

A lot of things are happening around me lately, it might be a sign but i do not know of what. All i get is this feeling that i need to treasure the things i have, the people around me.



Must be the haze, i got irritated eyes the whole day. I was squinting my eyes into the computer screen in my effort to complete the report today. Too bad for me that didn't come through today, i didn't know how to conclude the study with the observations i got.

Anyway, got to go sleep now, hoping my eyes will get better tomorrow.

Bon Nuit~!!


Sunday, June 14, 2009


Life is unexpectedly short, most of the time. You'll never know when is your time to go, and when you know it, it's already too late. You're gone.

This is a reminder to you to treasure the people around you, be it your parents, your grandparents, your siblings, your best friend, your colleagues, your neighbours. Treat them nice, be patient with them, listen to what they have to say, let them know you appreciate them. Trust me because if the last them you say to them before they pass on, is a harsh thing or a quarrel or something mean, it will haunt your conscience forever.

A good friend of mine, her mother passed away recently. It's really an unexpected turn of event. Her mother was not suffering from chronic diseases nor was it an accident. She just.......left. My friend found her in the morning, she had stopped breathing.

It's not an easy thing to accept for anyone. But if what had happened must happen, i don't think she would want it to happen any other way. Looking on the bright side, she wasn't suffering from illness when she moved on, it was really peaceful.

It had happened, nevertheless, and i'm sure she wouldn't want to see anyone continue shedding tears for her. I'm sure she would want to see everyone moved on with their lives, keeping her in memory, always remembering her.

I'm not particularly close to her mom, but she's one of those "moms of my friends" that actually remember my name. I remember her as a very cheerful person, quite naggy sometimes but it's definitely for the best of her children.

Have you told your parents how much you loved them today?


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Durian Durian I *Heart* You

It's the season of the year again, but too bad yesterday night was the 2nd time i've eaten the King of all fruits: The Durian.

I said the 2nd time i ate, but the first time this year to indulge myself since the first time it wasn't really enough and it wasn't really nice.

i can't remember why, probably because both my parents are durian lovers as well. That makes me a freak for durian too.

Well, i just love food, we all know that, especially food with strong taste. Apart from coffee, cheese, mashed potato with bacon (something i find really good, courtesy of SQ), Durian is the next best thing ever.

The smell doesn't bother me, make that before and after i've ate it. The after effect doesn't bother me, which is heaty all over, durian smell lingers on my finger tip, blah blah blah......

Oh well, next time if you're thinking of durian and thinking of looking for some kaki's to go makan with you, now you know there's a kaki in me. Hehe :)


Tuesday, June 09, 2009


I'm officially on tweeter....though i still can't do it on my phone. It's only half as much fun if you can only do it with your computer. got to get a phone that can go online. dang......
